Q+A with Charles "Peanut" Tillman

514HvPNXRVL._SX347_BO1,204,203,200_Charles "Peanut" Tillman is a cornerback with the Carolina Panthers. He played 12 seasons with the Chicago Bears before joining Carolina in 2015. He is a 2-time Pro Bowler and the 2013 NFL Man of the Year. His nickname is "Peanut," which he got from his Aunt when he was a little boy. He recently added the title 'author' to his resume, releasing the book "The Middle School Rules of Charles Tillman" with Sean Jensen. Charles was gracious enough to answer a few questions about the new book, his faith in God, and balancing the life of an NFL player with the life of a Dad and a Father.Me: Why this book right now?Charles: Why not? Like most religious things, things just kind of happen. Sean approached me, and I had read Brian’s book, and I thought it turned out well. It was a good fit for me.Me: What message do you want kids or anyone reading this book to have?Charles: Think before you act. That was one of the biggest rules that I got out of my childhood years. That was something my Dad always said, "Think before you act." Hopefully, kids can see that Charles Tillman had shortcomings and downfalls. He’s not perfect. I was a kid. I know exactly what middle schoolers are going through. Been there, done that. Middle school is a trying time. Hopefully, there’s a middle schooler out there who picks up this book and says, "Hey, Charles Tillman went through what I went through, and he survived and persevered. He made it and so can I."  That's my hope.Me: What was your life like growing up?Charles: My life was great. I grew up in a two-parent home. I got to travel the world. I had a lot of friends. New cultures. New friends, in new cities. I moved around. With every move, it was a new adventure. And that’s what I got used to.Me: Where and when did football begin to become a big part of your life?Charles: I would probably say eighth grade, when I started playing organized football. I’ve always liked the game of football. I’ve always loved to play the game. But I never watched a game of football. It’s boring to watch. But I love to play it. I've been talking about playing in the NFL since I was 5 or 6. But I didn’t play organized football until 8th grade.  Lifting and training for it.Me: Tell me about your faith and how you became a follower of Christ?Charles: Well, I’ve always been a follower, but I didn't really get into it, into it, until I got to college, maybe my sophomore or junior year. Having Bible study with our team chaplain in college. The spirit was talking to him, and it was talking to me. I was hungry. He discipled to me, telling me about the Word. I thought it was exciting. The more I heard, the more he pulled me in. From that point on, I’ve been hooked. Obviously, when my daughter Tiana got sick in 2008, my faith grew even stronger. I feel like most Christians have faith. But until your faith is tested, that’s when you’re like, ‘Wow, I’m a believer.”Me: How important is your faith in your life today both with you and your family?Charles: Extremely important. I went to church a few months ago, and our pastor was saying it’s not the church’s responsibility to teach your children about God, it’s your responsibility as a parent. I try to teach my kids. And lately my son has been asking some difficult questions, some really good questions. It’s hard to explain to a six-year-old about what a spirit is. My children make me better. They have questions and concerns. I want them to come to me. I want them coming to me, versus a wrong source. I want to make sure it’s the right source. I want to be able to answer all those questions. I want to be better for them, because I want to teach them. I’ve been reading more lately, because my son is so curious. It’s a great thing. I get excited.Me: How do you incorporate your faith into your job as an NFL player? Do you partake in bible studies or any kind of small group sessions?Charles: We have chapel sessions the night before. And I participate in those. I don't know if Christianity was taboo. But it’s very open now. I know in Chicago, we used to have Bible study. We did a couples study. Learning how to be a better husband. Everyone prayed before games. We also get together with the other team after the game to pray.Me: Who were some of the influences on you as a football player and a man of faith early in your NFL career?Charles: I don't think I had any influences as a player. But as faith would have it, I’d say Harry Swain, our team chaplain. And Ray McElroy. Those two guys, our team chaplains.Me: What person has been the biggest influencer in your walk of faith?Charles: It can’t be just one person. When I go to church, I go to the Chapel in Libertyville. Listening to their stories. My pastor in college. A friend and I were talking one day. I couldn't answer a question. I got on my phone and at 11:30 at night, I called my chaplain in college.Me: What’s your favorite moment of your NFL career?Charles: Has to be the NFL Man of the Year. I didn't think Tiana’s story would have the impact that it had on so many people. I didn't realize that until I won that award. I share that award with everyone affiliated with my foundation. Total team effort. I’m the face, but it was a team effort. Greatest night of my 13 years of playing.Me: If you could have dinner with any 3 people (dead or alive), who would they be?Charles: 1, Jesus. I would ask him, Why do you have mosquitoes and flies? They serve no purpose. 2, Solomon Northup, 12 years a slave and 3, 1980's Eddie Murphy.RAPID FIREMe: Best book you’ve read in past year – Charles: David and Goliath (Gladwell)Me: Best movie you’ve seen in past year – Charles: Bridge of SpiesMe: Favorite food – Charles: Soul foodMe: Favorite TV show – Charles: HomelandMe: Favorite Bible Verse – Charles: 1 Corinthians, 13:4-8 Order "Middle School Rules of Charles Tillman." http://amzn.to/1OhRqoNMore on Charles Tillman and his foundation. http://www.charlestillman.org/

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