My Testimony: Tyler and Sarah Anderson

"My Testimony" is a series of personal stories from ordinary people who have have been used by God to do mighty things. 

This is Tyler and Sarah Anderson. They have felt called to be missionaries and are currently serving in Romania. The Anderson's are also in the process of increasing their family from 2 to 3 as they are in the process of adopting a baby boy from India!  

 Over the last few years Psalm 119:105 has take on new meaning and provided encouragement. It says: "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." We have heard this verse many times but the first phrase stood out. Often we want to know what God's plan is for us. And not just tomorrow, next week, or next month, but we want to know how each decision impacts the future for years to come. We realized that God, quite often, simply illuminates the next step he wants you to take.

With a lamp at our feet, we can't see exactly where that is leading us, we can only see the next step. What we can trust, is that God knows the rest of the path. Isn't that what faith is all about? Stepping out in a direction God wants you to take and trusting that He knows the rest of the plan; He knows the rest of the path. We have tried to be faithfully stepping out and trusting that He knows what steps will be next.

Watch Tyler and Sarah's story and be inspired:

To support Tyler and Sarah, please contact them at

My TestimonyJason Romano