Use your Platform Wisely
A few years ago, I remember having a conversation with my wife. As many couples often do, we came to a disagreement. While discussing the topic at hand, I realized quickly that my daughter was also in the room and listening intently to what we were saying. At that moment, I started to understand that throughout her short life, she'd been watching and listening to EVERYTHING we say. God had given us this platform of parenthood, and it took that conversation for me to realize the impact we really can have on our children.We all have platforms that we've been given. Our family, our friends, our co-workers, our church, even our Facebook pages are a place of influence on others. But what are we doing with these platforms? Do we even recognize that they are there? Do you realize the influence you have?Zach Sobiech is a young man from Minneapolis who passed away from bone cancer at the tender young age of 18. Zach was dealt a terrible blow. Yet he and his family, while going through this difficult time, realized they could make a difference in other people's lives through their own battle. Zach's story was featured on "Soul Pancake" and ended up getting over 12 million views. He and his family understood that, despite going this terrible ordeal, they could turn this into a positive. They used their platform to make a difference. A platform that was considered small at first, and then grew and grew as time went on.Zach's amazing story is below.[embed][/embed]I remember talking to a young adult from church recently and they asked me how it was possible for them to have a platform at 20 years old. Before answering, I asked him 4 questions.Do you have brothers or sisters? - yesDo you have a job? - yesDo you have friends that you spend time with? - yesDo you have a Facebook page? - yesThen you have a platform. You have influence. You have the opportunity to make an impact.Tony Dungy writes in his book The Mentor Leader:"Building a life of significance, and creating a legacy of real value, means being willing to get your hands dirty. It means being willing to step out in your life and onto the platforms of influence you've been given and touch the lives of people in need. Whether it's in your business, your school, your community, or your family, if you want to make a difference in the lives of the people you lead, you must be willing to walk alongside them, to lift and encourage them, to share moments of understanding with them, and to spend time with them, not just shout down at them from on high."The next time you are around your family, ask yourself -- Am I building them up or tearing them down? Am i pouring into them positive things, or am I just constantly yelling and complaining?When you are around your friends, are you coming alongside them and loving them?When you're at work, are you leading by serving?
When you are on social media, are you sharing something positive, or are you just looking to get a cheap laugh and make a witty joke at the expense of someone else?
We are called to love people. We are called to be examples and to carry ourselves with grace. Carey Nieuwhof on his blog says "Platforms are designed to be shared and used for the benefit of others."Treat your platform as a gift to share with others. As a chance to influence others in a positive way and most of all, a chance to serve and LOVE.1 Peter 4:10 - "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace"[embed][/embed]