10 Pieces of Wisdom From "H3 Leadership"

h3leadershipBrad Lomenick recently released one of the best books on leadership I've ever read, "H3 Leadership: Humble, Hungry, Hustle." (Available here: http://amzn.to/1Mw8vYQ)There's so many good nuggets of wisdom packed in this 230 page beauty that I had to get out my pen and take notes. This book is a must-read for anyone that is trying to learn how to be a better leader, no matter what your position.Here's my 10 favorite quotes from the book.1. "Do something everyday that you weren't asked or told to do."2. "If you are the smartest person in every office in your organization, that's a problem."3. "Community, connection, and conversation only happen when we actually experience life with others."4. "Character is like oxygen --- it is something we don't think about until it's depleted."5. "People would rather follow a leader who is always real versus a leader who is always right."6. "Your calling is the intersection where your greatest strengths and deepest passions come together."7. "And while it is great to be interesting, it's more important to be interested. Stay curious."8. "No one wakes up wanting to be managed. We wake up wanting to be led."9. Excellence is what helps a leader and an organization move from competent to exceptional, from good enough to soaring heights."10. "Generosity is more than how one spends money; it's a holistic posture that should animate everything a leader does."

UncategorizedJason Romano